Be the Light 希望之光

Описание к видео Be the Light 希望之光

Be the Light

In the middle of the crisis, may this song be an anthem of unity in our fight against worries
and troubles. We sing our prayer to ignite the lights in our hearts, and together we
become the brightest. Inspired by the prayer of Venerable Master Hsing Yun and composed by Mr. Jude
Gitamondoc, this humble contribution prays to inspire, give confidence to our front-liners,
and instil hope to everyone’s hearts. Together we will rise victorious and find our light.


「疫情漫延,人間有愛」,歌曲原來是由菲律賓光明大學宿霧藝術學院製作,由菲律賓名音樂家Jude 譜曲,以佛光山開山宗長星雲大師《為新型肺炎疫情向觀世音菩薩祈願文》為本,澳洲、紐西蘭各地的佛光人首次通過雲端,與柏斯華人樂隊共同演繹這首滿滿正能量的歌曲“希望之光”,為疫情下的人間送去一份來自心底最溫暖的祝福。

#BetheLight #singtogether #WeAreStrongerTogether

Lyrics: Inspire by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Prayer
Original Music: Be The Light
Music Composer: Jude Gitamondoc
Arrangement: Malcolm Mah
Video Grapher: Aileen Wen
Video Editing: Chia Lee Tai
Sound Editing and Mixing: Ethan Lee
Record Studio: Aus World Entertainment
Singer: Ling Kha, Leslie Lee, Ryam Jim, Wylie Chan
Keyboard/Band Leader: Clement Lee
Bass: Malcolm Mah


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