Top 5 Blood Parrot Cichlid Tank Mates

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Here’s my top 5 blood parrot Cichlid tank mates. These are other fish you can keep with red blood parrot fish. Make sure you keep other fish with similar personalities as the blood parrots. I feel my list of aquarium fish is perfect.

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More random talk on fish.
A better divider is on the way but here's my galaxy koi plakat pair enjoying their new digs! Also, I have heard in another group that it's bad to keep a male and female in the same water. What are thoughts here? Prepared to move my guy and (oh no!) get another female if needed but wanted to hear opinions.

Sexing Blood Parrot Cichlids - Male or Female?    • Видео  

Hey there so glad she made it to you safe and sound!! She looks excellent in that tank and wow he is a lovely looking guy! In answer to your question it is not advised to keep male and female together where they can see each other, fish constantly trying to impress each other for breeding purposes will eventually stress themselves sick. As for the hormone thing, I’m not sure how much of a role that will plat but baby betta can stunt each others growth so don’t rule out hormones in the water, personally I keep my males and females separate completely.

Blood Parrot Cichlids are Hated
   • Blood Parrot Cichlid Tanks are Awesome!  

Alright. I do have a black opaque divider coming so they won't be able to see each other after this weekend. If they seem stressed at all I will plan to move him to my other tank. Thank you!

So I'm treating my baby for hole in the head currently but I just had to ask..what the hell is going on with his kok? It's normally smooth and uniform but at the moment it's bumpy and indented all throughout? He also seems to be trying to scratch it (video included). Is this a symptom of hole in the head or is it something else? First time I've had hole in the head on a flower horn.

I need help! Plz! We adopted these fish from my son's teacher who was going to flush them if someone didnt take them. Iv learned alot about caring for all the fish, but its taking a turn for the worst this last week. We lost two and 3 others developed cloudly eyes. This one act fine then does this lazy float and is getting worse. I balanced the ph and added stress coat, We have well water, we recently added a pleco before things starting going down hill.

Do you have a water test kit? I wouldnt suggest using chemicals to adjust ph. There are natural ways to adjust it and fish do better with it being stable more than anything.

I would pick up an api water master kit asap. Ph is the least to worry about. I would do a partial water change for now. It might help whatever is going on but hard to know without testing your water.

Looks like you might not have enough oxygen in your water, If they are going to the surface for air. Does your filter adjust so it can agitate the waters surface? As for the fish they may well have been ill before you got them. Fingers crossed and best of luck.

The gouramis are labyrinth fish so they can breathe surface air and will do that regularly even if there is enough oxygen. I’m not saying that not enough oxygen in the water isn’t a problem here but i don’t think it’s the main one. Gouramis also have a species specific disease called dwarf gourami disease. But it’s symptoms are sore spots and short spurts of hyperactivity so it doesn’t look like this.

I just have the basic 40 gal tank set up. I felt like the oxygen level could be off. Is that a filter fix, up grade to a better filter? What type of food are you feeding them because gouramis are actually mostly vegetarians and prefer a more plant based diet. I would try boiling peas and peeling them and putting a couple in their it could be swim bladder related with this guy.

You need an API master test kit. You need to know more of what’s going on. Like ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. When was the last water change and what percentage did you change?

I will get that kit too. I screwed up the last water change because the pump wasnt sucking the poop out and I ended up changing to much water. I have a better pump for next cleaning.

Was the tank cycled? Biggest killer is when the bacteria isn’t established yet and things get out of wack. How to combat that is using a nice water conditioner that detoxifies ammonia! Just put it in the new water you’re going to add to the tank.


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