SC2 WCS 2016 Quarterfinal Zest vs Stats Highlights

Описание к видео SC2 WCS 2016 Quarterfinal Zest vs Stats Highlights

Purpose of our channel is to deliver the best shortcuts of esport games. As for the start we will be providing you starcraft 2 shortcuts and highlights. We have other games on our TODO list so don't you worry if you are not a sc2 fan!

By deleting irrelevant moments in the game we can compress an entire final to just ~35 minutes. You can still comprehend how the games looked like, watch all the important breakthroughs and moments during the match and what's most important SAVE YOUR TIME!
We watch the boring stuff for you.

And we love it!

0:45 1st Game
9:21 2nd Game
11:50 3rd Game
17:48 4th Game
23:01 5th Game

Music: Jazz Comedy by BENSOUND
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library    • Видео  


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