Hip Replacement Surgery | What to Expect

Описание к видео Hip Replacement Surgery | What to Expect

Timothy Lovell, MD, an orthopedic surgeon, talks to Spokane, WA hip replacement surgery patients about the procedure, possible risks and complications of surgery, and about your recovery time.

Dr. Lovell addresses anesthesia, the size and location of the incision, and shows you what the hip replacement ball and socket joint looks like. He'll talk about the recovery process; using a crutches, a walker or a cane to get around; movements to avoid; and how long it takes to feel better and return to your normal, active life.

To learn more about Dr. Lovell, visit http://washington.providence.org/find...

And, to learn more about having orthopedic surgery in Spokane, WA, visit http://washington.providence.org/clin...


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