NY-Based MB Activist Threatens “Christian Dog” Zakaria Botros and Political Analyst Magdi Khalil

Описание к видео NY-Based MB Activist Threatens “Christian Dog” Zakaria Botros and Political Analyst Magdi Khalil

On November 15, 2021, NY-based Muslim Brotherhood activist Bahgat Saber uploaded a video to his YouTube and Facebook accounts in which he cursed and threatened Egyptian Coptic priest Zakaria Botros, who is known for his criticism of Islam. Hurling profanity and obscenity, Saber cursed Botros and his mother, and said that if “the Christian dog” Botros were in the United States like some people have said he is, he would go “beat the crap” out of him. Saber also threatened Egyptian political analyst Magdi Khalil, whom he also called a “Christian dog,” saying that if he curses the Prophet he will beat him as well. Bahgat further emphasized that the punishment for cursing the Prophet Muhammad is decapitation. Saber stressed: “Decapitation, you sons of filthy whores!” For more information about Bahgat Saber, see MEMRI TV Clip no 7872.


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