Stanford Keto Study is Revolutionizing Mental Health

Описание к видео Stanford Keto Study is Revolutionizing Mental Health


Metabolic Psychiatry website:

Authors: Shebani Sethi, Diane Wakeham, Terence Ketter, Farnaz Hooshmand, Julia Bjornstad, Blair Richards, Eric Westman, Ronald M Krauss, Laura Saslow

Minor corrections
In the MetS pentad there is a typo where "low" TG should be "high" TG. Kudos to those who were paying attention and caught this. I could say, "it was a test and you passed," but in truth it was just a typo introduced by the editor that I (we) missed.
Nutritional ketosis threshold is 0.5 mM.
"Blue whale" B roll doesn't show blue whales. We couldn't find Blue whale B-roll. But as a fun fact, they can grow up to 200 tons and their only natural predator is Orcas. Also, their latin name is Balaenoptera musculus, which means - roughly - winged whale and mouse, respectively... which may be a pun by Carl Linnaeus when he named the species.

0:00 - Intro, New Study!
0:47 - Metabolic Psychiatry
2:22 - Study, Metabolic and Mental Health
5:01 - Closing, Thank You. Inspired!
6:22 - Patients' Quotes


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