A harmonized cybersecurity baseline for solar PV

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A harmonized cybersecurity baseline for solar PV

The digitalisation of the energy sector and the deployment of digital, distributed energy resources are big opportuni-ties for the energy sector. Digitalisation allows leveraging data to increase power plant efficiency and allows the centralised orchestration of decentralised energy resources, which facilitates the cost-efficient operation of energy systems based on variable generation profiles. However, with great opportunity comes risks, in this case, the new risk of cyber-attacks. They can lead to data theft or manipulation, disrupt power plant operations, and destabilise the electricity system.

Cyberattacks introduce another potential point of failure, on top of traditional threats to power grid stability, like extreme weather events and physical damage to electrical equipment. Cyberattacks have been growing in the econ-omy and the energy sector. Attacks like Russia's on the Ukrainian power grid on 8 April 2022, have shown that cyber-attacks may be part of modern warfare and that the quality of protective measures varies between countries.

To ensure energy security in digitalised power grids, cybersecurity is critical. Many actors already take comprehen-sive security measures, ensuring resilience against cyber-attacks. To ensure sector-wide resilience we need ad-vanced harmonised cybersecurity requirements.

The European Union has widely recognised the importance of cybersecurity and data protection and has proposed several policies to address related concerns. These general approaches must translate into a proper solar sector-specific strategy, covering cybersecurity governance, device-level cybersecurity, and secure power plant operation. In this webinar, the solar industry will outline its new position paper and discuss solutions and recommendations for sector-wide security measures with relevant stakeholders.


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