MyaGo S01 E13: Sports Day | Cartoons for Kids l Safety Cartoons | Learning Videos

Описание к видео MyaGo S01 E13: Sports Day | Cartoons for Kids l Safety Cartoons | Learning Videos

Mya Go is an animated series for preschoolers about a girl whose enthusiasm rubs off on everyone around her. She is an adventurous girl who is not afraid of anything and always does everything with a great attitude. Mya Go in Paris, Mya Go goes shopping, Mya Go and her music band... Each title captures the tasks, big and small, that Mya Go is busy with and that she always solves in a good mood. He lives in a very active town, Everyday, together with his friends Sophie Play, Emily Share and the funny Tommy Stop. This show is full of a big interesting diversity of chatacters, it also counts with some charming and colorful cartoons and a melody you wont be able to keep out of your head.

MyaGo S01 E13: Sports Day | Cartoons for Kids l Safety Cartoons | Learning Videos #cartoons

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