Day by Slay #24 - X Games at the Slayground

Описание к видео Day by Slay #24 - X Games at the Slayground

Here is some BTS footage leading up to hosting X Games at our compound known as the Slayground. Lots of preparation went into this event from building the course, to riding 110s, plus prepping for best whip/quarter pipe high air. i ended up finishing !st in 110, 4th in best whip, and 2nd in quarter pipe high air.Even managed to sneak in a lake trip with Gabby for the 4th of July. i had a lot of fun shredding with everyone at X games. Full comp footage is on their channel. Check out to get the latest SlayCo clothes. Black Friday will be full of swinging deals. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for Watching! subscribe for more.


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