Happy ShatterDave, Upstate Gardens - Papaya, Nothing for s/t/p… 7.7 this time…

Описание к видео Happy ShatterDave, Upstate Gardens - Papaya, Nothing for s/t/p… 7.7 this time…

Happy ShatterDave, Upstate Gardens - Papaya, Citral ❌ Ice is the cross.
Nothing for s/t/p…
Consistency was very white color, gave off a wow shine to it, and pleasant smell of papaya after a stir,
Temps 530/520/505/490,
Inhale was a soft fruity papaya,
Exhale was similar w lite fruity along w hints of pepper,
Overall was relaxed, 💤, and had the munchies,
Sending good vibes and ☁️💨 to everybody til next time…
Nothing for s/t/p…
Just My 🧼 🔥 Review… 7.7


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