The Angel That You Are (original song - b Simon Reed)

Описание к видео The Angel That You Are (original song - b Simon Reed)

Canny. One thousand songs plus - plenty more to come. Or none.

If I were made
Of different stuff
Would there be a chance
That I was good enough
For the angel that you are
I feel like I’m a human scar
With nothing to offer
But this great need
And this great desire

If I were cut
From different cloth
Could we lay around
With all of our clothes off
And for just one second we could touch
Cause I know any more it would be too much
I am not a greedy man
I don’t need the world

Beautiful ideas can look
So ugly through a different lense
But who are we to take them down
And who are we to kill or cleanse
The apple never falls
Far from the tree

The battle for a human soul
A wholy played out rigmarole
That no one gets to see in light
The air that holds the bird in flight
It’s the only miracle
I need to see

If I were God
In some disguise
Made despicable
Before your eyes
Would that be something that he would do
Maybe trying to find out what is true
Would I hide it from myself
So we’ll never know


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