How PEOPLE see YOU VS How YOU see YOURSELF 🔍 Pick a card🔮 (The Lovers)

Описание к видео How PEOPLE see YOU VS How YOU see YOURSELF 🔍 Pick a card🔮 (The Lovers)

How people see you VS how you see yourself Pick a Card. Pick the Tarot Deck calling to you the most to get your intuitive tarot guidance & timeless reading about how others see you vs how you see yourself. This is a timeless pick a card reading inspired by the Lovers card from the Major Arcana in tarot, part of a grand tarot reading journey I'm offering on my channel called #yourfoolsjourney where I am creating one pick a pile reading inspired by every major arcana card in tarot.
You can find all the other readings here:

T I M E S T A M P S ⭐️
00:00 intro & choose your pile
06:15 Pile 1 Rose Quartz
28:05 Pile 2 Tiger’s Eye
51:15 Pile 3 Clear Quartz
If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to subscribe ✔️ & let me know in the comments if this reading resonated with you as I love to hear from you 🙏
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W H E R E T O F I N D M E 🌙
YOUTUBE 🎥    / @thewavesofyoursoul  
INSTAGRAM 📸   / thewavesofyoursoul  
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EMAIL (business inquiries only): [email protected]

D E C K S🃏
Dear universe book by Sarah Prout
The Final Rose Tarot
The Indie Tarot
Soul Shadow Tarot (out of print)

W H A T T O W A T C H N E X T 💖
How to love yourself deeper (pick a card)
   • How to love yourself deeper? Self Lov...  
Your Fool's Journey Playlist
Matching every major arcana with a tarot deck
   • Matching my Tarot Decks with Every Ma...  
My top 5 decks halfway through 2024
   • MY TOP 5 TAROT & ORACLE DECKS Halfway...  
Monthly Favourites Playlist

I hope this reading brings you empowerment, clarity and support ! Remember that we are the captains of our own ships and that the future isn't set in stone.This reading is for entertainment purposes only & should never replace any medical or legal advice.

Thank you so much for watching and keep navigating the waves of your soul,
Marine 🌊

#yourfoolsjourney #tarotreadersofyoutube #tarotreading #pickapile #pickadeckreading #pickacard #tarotyoutuber


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