Day 2 | अंधकार से प्रकाश की ओर | निशुल्क नेत्र जांच शिविर | Eye Checkup Camp

Описание к видео Day 2 | अंधकार से प्रकाश की ओर | निशुल्क नेत्र जांच शिविर | Eye Checkup Camp

Eyes are the windows to the world, but for many, they remain clouded due to visual impairments caused by sickness, accidents, or age. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan initiated the Annual Yaad-E-Murshid Mega Eye Camp to restore vision and bring light back into people's lives.

Since 1992, this unique camp has provided:
✅ Free treatments to over 101,350 individuals
✅ Over 30,000 successful surgeries

Dedicated to Parampita Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj, this camp embodies selfless service, love, and care. Watch to learn how this life-transforming initiative brings hope and happiness to thousands every year.

🌟 Join this mission of restoring vision and dignity to those in need!

#MegaEyeCamp #SaintDrMSG #FreeEyeTreatment #HumanityFirst #VisionForAll #SelflessService #RamRahim

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