Rapunzel Cosplay Tutorial

Описание к видео Rapunzel Cosplay Tutorial

Hope this helps you in building your own Rapuznel cosplay from Tangled! Below are rough estimates of the amount of materials I used , sorry it's not exact as its been a while since I've built that (if the half boxed up house wasn't a clue enough lol)

1 yd twill
1 yd floral embroidered cotton
6 yds lavender taffeta
2 yds pink taffeta
4 yds pink cotton jersey
4 yards lace
1 spool of pink ribbon
48 2 part grommets (and grommet setter)
1 yd elastic
1 yard grosgrain ribbon
Appliques ( I got about 60 of each kind (3 styles) but it still wasn't enough to go all around the hem)
2-3yds flat steel boning

If you want to join the corset gang and get your own earrings or necklace, you can go to the link below!

Get the supplies used by clicking this link:
(This is an amazon affiliate link that helps support this channel)

Get my basic bodice pattern to make your own at the link below:

Hang out with me on my other social media platforms!

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Email me- nikki@nikkiblackwell.com


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