10.0 Collector's Edition Datamined! The Ending of Shadowlands & 9.2 Updates | The Weekly Reset

Описание к видео 10.0 Collector's Edition Datamined! The Ending of Shadowlands & 9.2 Updates | The Weekly Reset

World of Warcraft's next expansion 10.0 looks like it's ready to be announced as we find the digital delux edition mount, pet and transmog in dataming! Did someone mention Emerald Drakes? Could this be the Dragon Isles or Emerald dream expansion we are all expecting? PLUS the ending of Shadowlands and the fate of Sylvanas, Tyrande and the Jailer Zovaal PLUS all the latest updates from the 9.2 Eternity's end PTR including double Legendary reputation grind drama and more! Join Taliesin and Evitel for the Weekly Reset!

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► Wowhead Articles

Datamined Encrypted Mount, Pet, Items - Possible 10.0 Expansion Deluxe Edition Rewards?

New Shaman Ghost Wolf Forms Available for Testing:

Vessel of Profound Possibilities - Learn and Upgrade All Conduits to 278:

Prototype Jailer Model Found in Patch 9.2 Reveals Zovaal's Origins:

How Long to Unlock Double Legendaries in Patch 9.2 - Reaching Revered with The Enlightened:

Spoiler Warnings:
00:00 No Spoilers
15:47 Redbot Spoilers
20:51 No Spoilers

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