Is this man the biggest shill on YouTube?

Описание к видео Is this man the biggest shill on YouTube?

Got a product you want shilled (oops, I mean "promoted") -- send it to this guy before Christmas 2024 and he will include it in one of his videos the donate it to charity.

As well as my usual RC related videos I'm going to make a bunch of shameless product-focused videos in the lead-up to Christmas in which I'll be trying to have the most fun possible with the things that people or companies send me during that period. These won't be review videos... just unbounded fun and laughs.

This should be a ball... and everyone wins.

Spread word of this shill-fest to any company you think might want to take advantage of the offer and if you've seen some crazy "fun" thing on AliExpress, Temu or whatever -- you can have it drop-shipped to me. at:

XJet Shill Offer
Box 426
Tokoroa 3444
New Zealand

This is going to be fun!


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