How To Beat The Stock Market In 2019

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Stock Market Investing has been rather volatile lately - here’s how you can invest in 2019, in such a way to be profitable long term, according to data - enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan

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Studies have shown that market timing rarely ever works consistently

Charles Schwab analyzed the data throughout 5 investing styles between 1993 and 2012: It was found that, obviously, the BEST investor was the one who bought in at the lowest price each year - and at the end of those 20 years, the investment would be worth $87,004. But the surprising result was that the SECOND investor, who just invested the $2000 immediately, had a total investment return of $81,560 - that’s only $5300 LESS than the investor who had literally PERFECT timing, every single year, over 20 years.

Brad Barber and Terrence Odean analyzed over 66,000 households from 1991 and 1996, and found that the investors who trade the most often earned an annual return of 11.4%…which sounds decent, until you see that the overall market returned 17.9% during that same time period.

If you look at the DOWS WORST 20 day performances, you’ll notice that majority of the the best single-day point increases tend to occur within roughly two weeks of its worst single-day declines.

This means that if you just happen to sell off your investment to wait until the market drops, you might just miss some of the most profitable trading days afterwards.

So with all of this data in mind, here’s how you can beat the stock market in 2019 - regardless of what happens:


Instead, the ONLY method which is HISTORICALLY PROVEN TO ACTUALLY WORK OVER THE LAST 100 YEARS - is just to invest as soon as you have the money, hold that investment over 20 years or longer, and do absolutely nothing when it goes down in value. That’s it. That’s how simple investing really is.

There is ALWAYS going to be “something” that could impact stock market returns, but whether or not we see a negative yield that year is nearly unpredictable. This continues throughout the last 100 years…so us in 2019 is nothing new, the context might be different but the results will very much be in line with history:

Low prices are a time for HUGE opportunity…we should just see this as a part of a normal market cycle, and continue forward with business as usual…and most importantly, just buy and hold long term. That’s it.

For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at [email protected]


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