Andras - Reliquien... (Full Album)

Описание к видео Andras - Reliquien... (Full Album)

Country: Germany | Year: 2019 | Genre: Black Metal

CD, LP & Shirt available here:

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1. Diabolical Christening (Re-Arrangement) 00:00
2. Dunwich (Re-Arrangement) 05:25
3. Thy Last Redeemer 11:49
4. In the Shadow of the Light (Re-Arrangement) 18:51
5. Das Schwert unserer Ahnen (Re-Arrangement) 24:23
6. Flames of Hate (Re-Arrangement) 27:51
7. Die Vorboten (Re-Arrangement) 31:30
8. The Cry of the Banshee (Re-Arrangement) 34:45
9. Aufbruch 38:42

The re-arrangements are songs between 1994-2000 which were modified and recorded again by the current lineup. This is not a compilation of songs from former albums. The CD & LP also contain the track 'Man of Iron' (Bathory cover).

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