Watch this Before Building a Hugelkultur Bed

Описание к видео Watch this Before Building a Hugelkultur Bed

Learn more about the mulch here:    • We Got Free Mulch || No More Weeds in...  

In this video I will explain what went terribly wrong with the hugelkultur raised bed I made.

Welcome to my channel, Our Tropical Soil, where you can learn how to grow food in the tropics!

Hugelkultur beds are a great way to create a very fertile area to grow food in. I was excited to try one and decided to build a raised bed that was filled halfway with logs and other organic matter. I never stopped to consider wether any ants would be making nests in these logs. Long story short they made a nest. The ants in the logs were a carpenter ant that I was already having problems with from before. It was farming scales and aphids on some of my plants. By giving the ants an ideal location to make a nest their numbers were able to increase and I was having more and more problems with the aphids and scales. I still believe hugelkultur beds are a great way to increase fertility, but I if I ever try and make another one I will only be using small sticks and not logs.

Thank you for watching! I post up a new video every week. If you are growing food in the tropics or have a food forest garden then join me on my journey! I am documenting this gardening adventure on youtube, Instagram, and my own blog. You can find the links down below.

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FACEBOOK:   / ourtropicalsoil  


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