Top Myths of Termination - Employment Law Show: S4 E1

Описание к видео Top Myths of Termination - Employment Law Show: S4 E1

Top Myths of Termination, on the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta on Season 4 Episode 1 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada.

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0:00 - Intro

► 1:20 A company decided to cut costs by eliminating employees and moving their responsibilities to another employee. This forced the employee to work longer days, including weekend shifts to cover the extra workload. She eventually took a disability leave. Then she called Samfiru Tumarkin LLP for help.
• Learn more about constructive dismissals:

► 3:53 A caller from - I asked my employer to provide accommodation for a disability I had, which they said they would. However, I was terminated with one week’s pay shortly after providing them with two doctors’ notes. Can they do that?
• More on the Duty to Accommodate:

► 6:14 POCKET EMPLOYMENT LAWYER - Jerry successfully managed a team at a mid-sized company for many years. After a new VP was hired, Jerry’s results where called into question and he was put on a performance improvement plan. A few weeks into the plan, the VP said it wasn’t working out, and let Jerry go for cause, with no severance. What are his rights?
• Use the Pocket Employment Lawyer here:

• Your boss can only let you go if they have a good reason to - 11:30
• When you are let go, you receive 1 or 2 weeks’ severance pay for every year of service - 13:26
• You have to work at least 5 years for a large company, in order to receive severance - 14:21
• Being “on contract” means you don’t get severance pay - 15:06
• Short service employees get very little severance - 16:32

► 17:23 A caller from - I was just laid off from a private medical company after 6 years. I worked as an operating room assistant. I didn’t sign a severance offer when I left, but I did have an employment contract that I signed when I started working there. What am I owed?

► 20:40 A caller from - My company asked me to work at a new location, which is another hour-and-a-half from where I live. They gave me $60 a week for gas and said it would only last a month. But it’s been more than a month, and now it’s starting to affect my family life.

► 23:58 - My manager just handed me a new employment contract, with a deadline to accept it within 48 hours or my job will “come to an end immediately.” I noticed that the contract reduces my commission. Do I have to sign it?

► 25:53 - A new coworker has been making inappropriate comments in the office. I’ve asked him to stop a few times, but things keep escalating. What are my options here?


► Before you call a lawyer, use to find out if you might have a case:

► Calculate the amount of severance pay your are owed with the Severance Pay Calculator:

► Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help. Find out more:

📍 Toronto employment lawyer -
📍 Vancouver employment lawyer -
📍 Ottawa employment lawyer -
📍 Calgary employment lawyer -

📺 More about the Employment Law Show here:
📺 Watch the Disability Law Show here:

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