Favorit! Resep NASI KATSU AYAM KOREA [Chicken Mushroom Donkkaseu]

Описание к видео Favorit! Resep NASI KATSU AYAM KOREA [Chicken Mushroom Donkkaseu]

Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
*English description is at the bottom section.*

1:29 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:24 : belah dan bumbui ayam (slicing and seasoning the chicken)
03:27 : lapisi ayam dan diamkan (coating and resting the chicken)
04:44 : membuat saus jamur (making the Mushroom Sauce)
07:27 : membuat salad (making the Salad)
07:56 : goreng katsu ayam (frying the Chicken Katsu)
08:41 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepChickenMushroom #ResepDonkkaseu #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Chicken Mushroom Donkkaseu (untuk 3-6 porsi)

500 gr dada ayam filet
1 sdt garam
1 sdt kaldu ayam bubuk
1 buah jeruk nipis
¼ sdt merica

Bahan tepung kering:
Tepung terigu protein sedang
Tepung roti putih

Bahan tepung basah:
2 butir telur
2 sdm susu
½ sdt garam
¼ sdt merica

Bahan saus:
20 buah jamur champignon
3 sdm mentega
2 sdm minyak
½ buah bawang bombai
3 siung bawang putih
3 sdm serbuk demi glace
1 sdm saus tomat
½ sdm kecap inggris
400-500 ml air
½ sdt gula pasir

3 lembar kol
5 sdm mayones
2 sdm saus tomat
Nasi putih

1. Keringkan ayam lalu belah dua menjadi butterfly. Taburkan kaldu ayam, garam, dan merica dan perasan jeruk nipis di semua sisi, ratakan
2. Tutup dengan cling wrap lalu pukul-pukul dengan rolling pin atau benda tumpul lainnya
3. Taburkan sedikit tepung terigu di semua sisi ayam, ratakan
4. Di dalam mangkuk, kocok telur, susu, garam, dan merica. Masukkan ayam ke dalam telur lalu ke dalam tepung roti, ratakan
5. Cincang bawang putih, iris bawang bombai dan jamur
6. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang bombai hingga wangi lalu masukkan jamur dan bawang putih, tumis sesaat
7. Kecilkan api, masukkan mentega dan serbuk demi glace, masak sesaat lalu masukkan air secara perlahan sambal diaduk
8. Masukkan saus tomat, kecap inggris, dan gula pasir, masak di api sedang kecil hingga menyatu
9. Untuk salad, iris kol lalu masukkan ke dalam air es. Campurkan mayones dengan saus tomat, aduk rata
10. Panaskan minyak, goreng ayam di api sedang besar hingga kuning keemasan, tiriskan
11. Chicken mushroom donkkaseu siap disajikan

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Chicken Mushroom Donkkaseu Recipe (yield 3-6 servings)

500 g chicken breast filet
1 tsp salt
1 tsp chicken powder
1 pc lime
¼ tsp pepper

Dry Coat ingredients:
All-purpose flour
White breadcrumbs

Batter ingredients:
2 pc egg
2 tbsp milk
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper

Sauce ingredients:
20 pc champignon
3 tbsp butter
2 tbsp oil
½ pc onion
3 clove garlic
3 tbsp demi-glace powder
1 tbsp ketchup
½ tbsp Worcestershire sauce
400-500 ml water
½ tsp sugar

3 pc cabbage leaf
5 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp ketchup

1. Pat the chicken dry, then butterfly it. Sprinkle it with chicken powder, salt, pepper, and lime juice on all sides evenly.
2. Cover it with plastic wrap, then pound the chicken with a rolling pin or other blunt object.
3. Sprinkle all sides with a bit of flour evenly.
4. In a bowl, mix eggs, milk, salt, and pepper. Dip the chicken into the batter, than coat it with breadcrumbs evenly.
5. Mince the garlic. Slice the onion and mushroom.
6. Heat the oil. Sauté the onion until fragrant, then add mushroom and garlic. Sauté for a moment.
7. Lower the heat. Add butter and demi-glace powder. Cook for a moment, then add water slowly while stirring.
8. Add ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, and sugar. Cook on low heat until the sauce comes together.
9. For the Salad, slice the cabbage and soak it in cold water. Mix the mayo with ketchup.
10. Heat the oil and fry the chicken on medium-high heat until golden brown. Set aside.
11. Chicken Mushroom Donkkaseu is ready to serve.


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