10 Lost Tribes of Israel: The KEY to End-Time Prophecy

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Where are the lost ten tribes of Israel today? The 10 lost tribes of Israel mystery is one of the greatest mysteries of history, and the search for the 10 tribes of Israel is a fascinating story.

In this video I explore the history of Israel and the Jews, Bible prophecy, and several theories about the ten lost tribes, including, British Israelism (including Europe and America), Black Hebrew Israelites, and claims of the Pashtuns, Igbos, Lemba, Chin, Kuki, and Beta Israel of Ethiopia. I also uncover compelling evidence that answers the questions, "Were the 10 northern tribes of Israel really even lost?" and "What happened to the ten lost tribes of Israel?" I hope you enjoy the lost tribes of Israel documentary, even if the history is a bit oversimplified.

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