Culture and traditions of the Nepali Kirat Rai communities. // Eastern Rural Nepal //

Описание к видео Culture and traditions of the Nepali Kirat Rai communities. // Eastern Rural Nepal //

Hello everyone ! 🙏
As always, this time too, we have captured the events happening in the eastern rural areas of Nepal just as they are, through the lens of our camera. Similarly, this time, we are presenting the tradition of the Kiranti Rai community in Nepal, specifically about the 'Purbe Puja' (ancestral worship). In this worship, once a year, a pig or chicken is slaughtered in the name of the deceased father, mother, or grandfather/grandmother, believing that it makes the ancestors' gods happy. Thank you to everyone who likes, comments, shares, and subscribes after watching the video 🙏😘❤️

#theulengovs #nepalivillage #nepalirurallife #easternruralnepal


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