Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore | Skin Whitening Treatment in Bangalore

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Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore

Everyone dreams of an unblemished skin but let us face it; it does not turn true for all. Skin pigmentation can be quite bothersome and disturbing but still, it is likely to get a complexion free of all blemishes. Our skin contains melanocyte cells that produce melanin. Melanin gives our skin its color.

As we get older, our skin loses its glow and begins to get blemished; ageing spots and other blemishes some of the problems we struggle with. Aside from these skin discolorations, we also combat with other signs of aging such as sagging and wrinkle. The great news is that there are helpful solutions to these skin issues.


The good news is that the disease is treatable. There are manifold methods to help get rid of skin pigmentation.


A very good moisturizer always helps the skin to hydrate well and get back the lost texture.

Sunscreen: It is always ideal to use an appropriate sunscreen suiting your skin. The SPF (sun protection factor) should be 30 or above for better effect. Always use it at least 20-30 minutes before you go out. And apply it every 3 to 4 hours, even on a non-sunny day.

Depigmenting Creams: Creams containing kojic acid, glycolic acid, arbutin, licorice, hydroquinone, azeleic acid etc will help in reducing the pigment formation and lighten the existing spots.

Face Wash: face wash containing salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and vitamin makes the skin lighter and brighter.

Peels: certain lightning peels containing glycolic acid, kojic acid, lactic acid, arbatin, phenol are used to exfoliate the top layer of skin, ideally done once in 3 weeks.

Medifacials: it is a cocktail of procedures to enhance your skin complexion.

Lasers: Q switched netyag laser is the best laser to shatter the already formed pigments and to brighten your skin, it is an extremely safe procedure with no or minimal down time.

Chemical Peel - A procedure where the top layer of skin unpeels off due to a chemical applied over skin.

Fraxel - Those with scars & wrinkles can undertake this treatment. It's effectual in treating superficial Melasma.

Please call us at 9148874972 for more details
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