Learning English Podcast - Farmer Demonstrations, Super Bowl Costs, Student Visas, Japan Poverty

Описание к видео Learning English Podcast - Farmer Demonstrations, Super Bowl Costs, Student Visas, Japan Poverty

Dan Novak and Ashley Thompson host today's Learning English show.

First: European farmers continued demonstrations Thursday to demand government help in dealing with rising prices and easing environmental rules. Cities seeing protests include Brussels, Belgium, where EU leaders are gathering for a meeting. Bryan Lynn reports.

Next: Who wants to go to the Super Bowl? As Dan Friedell reports, the cost of entry to the championship game of American football will likely reach an all-time high this year.

Then: Canada announced a two-year temporary limit on the acceptance of foreign students. The new policy comes after years of expansion that has led to a housing shortage and higher rent costs in the country. Gregory Stachel has the story.

Next: In wealthy countries, like Japan, poverty is sometimes considered a taboo subject. But an Australian filmmaker, Rionne McAvoy, wants to share the stories of women and children in poverty in Japan in his documentary film The Ones Left Behind. Faith Pirlo and Andrew Smith report.

And finally: The LE Everyday Grammar report. Travel the world without even leaving your seat as John Russell shares some messages from LE fans around the globe. After his report, John joins Ashley Thompson in the student to discuss the difference between population and popular.

Dan and Ashley close the show.

European Farmers Keep Up Protests During EU Meeting https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a...
It Has Never Been More Costly to See the Super Bowl https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a...
Why Is Canada Limiting Foreign Students? https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a...
Australian Filmmaker Shows Japanese Single Mothers, Children Face Poverty https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a...


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