Best Pediatric Dentist in Hyderabad, India | Kids Dentist | FMS Dental

Описание к видео Best Pediatric Dentist in Hyderabad, India | Kids Dentist | FMS Dental

A pediatrics dentist specializes in providing dental care to children and adolescents, ensuring their oral health from infancy through the teenage years. What is the right time to visit a pediatrics dentist? Any child below 15 years has to be consulted by a pedodontist. At FMS Dental, all the paediatric dental treatments including preventive dental treatments - Pit & fissure
sealants, fluoride application & interceptive orthodontics are available.

Our pedodontist primary goal is to establish good dental habits early on and prevent dental issues before they arise. Here's an overview of some common services provided by our paediatric dentists,

Anti-Decay Fluoride Application: Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel. Paediatric dentists often apply fluoride treatments to children's teeth to provide an extra layer of protection against cavities. These treatments can come in various forms such as gels, foams or varnishes and are typically applied during routine dental
check-ups. Fluoride application is especially crucial for children who may not have developed proper brushing techniques yet or who are at higher risk of cavities due to dietary habits or medical conditions.

Pit & Fissure Sealants: Pit and fissure sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars to prevent decay. These surfaces have natural grooves and pits where food particles and bacteria can accumulate, making them more susceptible to cavities. Paediatric dentists apply sealants to seal off these areas, creating a smooth surface that is easier to clean and less prone to decay. Sealants are typically applied once a child's permanent molars erupt, usually around the ages of 6 and 12, to provide long lasting protection during their cavity-prone years.

Space Maintainers: Space maintainers are devices used to preserve space in the mouth for permanent teeth when primary (baby) teeth are lost prematurely. If a primary tooth is lost due to decay or injury before the permanent tooth is ready to erupt, neighboring teeth may shift into the empty space, causing misalignment issues when the permanent tooth tries to come in. Children dentists can custom-fit space maintainers to hold the space open until the permanent tooth is ready to emerge, preventing the need for more extensive orthodontic treatment later on.

Overall, these preventive measures play a crucial role in maintaining children's oral health and setting them up for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Kids dentist not only provide treatments but also educate both children and parents on proper oral hygiene practices to ensure optimal dental health outcomes.

Book an Appointment ( ) with our experienced paediatric dentists at FMS Dental today!
Call/WhatsApp at +91 8885060770

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