7 Aldrachi Reaver Secrets you NEED to know

Описание к видео 7 Aldrachi Reaver Secrets you NEED to know

Aldrachi Reaver is an extremely tactical and complicated Hero Tree that has a lot of small hidden tricks. Check out the 7 dirty little secrets of Aldrachi Reaver!

Aldrachi Reaver guide for leveling + open world:
   • Havoc DH Leveling Guide - The War Within  

Reaver's Mark Experiment:
Farm 6 soul fragments to get Reaver's Glaive
Apply 2 charges of 'Reaver's Mark' by casting blade dance into chaos strike
Cast 'The Hunt' to get another Reaver's Glaive and use it
When Reaver's Mark has 10 seconds left, cast Chaos Strike to apply 1 stack of Reaver's Mark you will notice that the debuff resets with 2 stacks and 20 seconds duration
Wait 10 seconds. Check that the debuff now dropped back to 1 stack

This happens because during your second combo you chaos strike first, so 1 of the 2 original Reaver's Mark applications was refreshed, but the other was not.

As far as I know, there is no way to track this. The only spell with similar behavior is 'Ironfur' from guardian druids. I played around with some Ironfur weakauras to adjust them to track Reaver's Mark charges but no luck. If any of you out there is a weak aura guru and could look into this, I would be
extremely thankful!!!

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