外国人第一次吃红烧肉!肥而不腻!太香了!素食舅妈开荤尝试! | Foreigners react: Chinese red-braised pork belly!

Описание к видео 外国人第一次吃红烧肉!肥而不腻!太香了!素食舅妈开荤尝试! | Foreigners react: Chinese red-braised pork belly!

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Hello friends! Today we've making a Chinese dish that's always a sure hit with EVERYONE regardless of cultural background - red braised pork! the incredible flavor and fragrance combined with silky smooth meat that even the toothless would have no problem chewing is truly a treat. Our guests today are Evan's uncle Hans, his wife Carrey and their son Mars two of whom are vegetarians so of course we made sure to have plenty of delicious Chinese vegetarian options available too. Will they be able to stay away from the meat? Watch here and find out;)

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