Why your kids arent listening to you....

Описание к видео Why your kids arent listening to you....

Create a Positive and Enthusiastic Atmosphere: Coaches should welcome kids enthusiastically, engage with them about their day, school, or soccer, and create an atmosphere where they feel welcomed.

Be Clear and Concise: Kids and adults alike have shorter attention spans, so coaches should keep instructions punchy, short, and sharp. Interventions should be kept to 30 to 60 seconds to keep kids' attention.

Variety: It is recommended to break sessions into shorter activities instead of one long activity. This helps maintain kids' engagement. Variety can be in the type of practice, rules, or area of play.

Use Visual Aids and Demonstrations: Tactics boards or smartphones can be used to illustrate techniques or to show relevant videos. Kids should be allowed to interact with the aids for better understanding. Demonstrations should be fast-paced and engaging.

Involve Kids in Decision Making: This strategy provides kids a sense of ownership in the sessions. They can be involved in picking teams or deciding the size of the game.

Stay Relevant: Coaches should be aware of kids' culture, like video games, TV series, etc. This will help engage the kids in conversation and build stronger bonds.

The video wraps up by encouraging viewers to share their own tips in the comments and to like the video to support the channel.


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