Mastery The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment George Leonard

Описание к видео Mastery The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment George Leonard

In Mastery, writer and educator George Leonard describes in detail how you can walk the path of the master—the life lived in disciplined dedication to your chosen skill, craft, or art. He explains that mastery isn’t an end goal so much as a continual process of learning, discovery, and exploration of that skill, whether it’s taekwondo, oil painting, marathon running, chess, or anything else.

Further, Leonard argues that the master’s path is the only guaranteed way to live a fulfilling life. Whereas modern culture conditions us on instant gratification that can never provide real meaning or satisfaction, pursuing mastery can yield a lifetime of rich experiences and personal growth.

Our guide will detail Leonard’s perspective on the path of mastery, including how you can get on the master’s path today, overcome its obstacles, and immerse yourself in learning. In commentary, we’ll compare his ideas to those of other books on mastery, including Robert Greene’s Mastery, Josh Waitzkin’s The Art of Learning, and Anders Ericsson’s Peak.


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