110 Impressions in 9 minutes by David Howard Thornton

Описание к видео 110 Impressions in 9 minutes by David Howard Thornton

Hello! My name is David Thornton and I am an aspiring voice over actor in NYC with a few animated projects under my belt. I have a repertoire of well over 200 character impressions and 25 dialects that is ever expanding. I thought I would share some of those with you all, so I narrowed them down to 110 impressions of various cartoon characters and celebrities. Why? Because I like to go one step further (plus it was almost the end of 2010 when this was recorded and I thought that was fitting as well... but I digress!). I attempted to do this rapid fire hence why some are not as spot on as the usually are, though there are some edits since this was done in 2 takes because of various interruptions during the filming.

If you would like to utilize my talents, feel free to contact me at [email protected]! Feel free to pass this along to anyone you feel would be interested in utilizing my talents as well! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and thanks for listening!


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