
Описание к видео 【西方-81】50萬人參演,上萬輛坦克,史上規模最大的軍演,威震全世界,至今無人超越

West-81 (Russian: Запад-81) is the largest military exercise in human history held by the Soviet Union, with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as the imaginary enemy. The exercise was launched on September 4, 1981 and lasted about 8 days. The participating services included the army, navy, air force, and air defense air force, and several new weapons were revealed. Such as RSD-10 medium-range ballistic missiles and Kiev-class aircraft carriers.
The purpose of the exercise was to show off the Soviet Union's mighty force. NATO national think tanks believe that, in addition to showing off its military power, the Soviet Union also deterred the reformists in Poland. The failure of socialist reforms in the People’s Republic of Poland in the 1970s brought the country into a state of civil strife. The Soviet army conducted an amphibious landing exercise near Gdansk to warn the Poles that the Soviet Union would use force to maintain the socialist regime when necessary.
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