3 INGREDIENT CAKE RECIPE Turn Cookies Into Cake!

Описание к видео 3 INGREDIENT CAKE RECIPE Turn Cookies Into Cake!

This three ingredient chocolate cake recipe is INCREDIBLE. I didn't know how to make cake with cookies but after trying this recipe it's an easy chocolate chip cookie cake recipe. Homemade cake from a box of cookies is an easy 15 minute cake recipe start to finish. You may be wondering how to transform cookies into cake, but it's easy since the ingredients in a cookie are THE SAME as the ingredients in cake! Use cookies to make delicious cake today with this quick & easy cake recipe. How to Turn Cookies Into Cake is, by far, one of the greatest of three ingredient recipes out there.

1 package of cookies (any type or brand you like)
2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 cups milk

Process cookies until they are as fine as possible.
Sift baking powder into your crushed cookies and mix.
Add milk and stir until you get batter.
Pour into a greased 9 in baking pan.
Bake at 350°F for 15 to 20 minutes.
Top with frosting(optional).
Serve and enjoy with a glass of milk.

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Frying pan I use: http://amzn.to/2otacEs
Aeropress coffee maker: http://amzn.to/2ovUCYt

Here's the link to my Amazon store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influence...

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Music: Catch Up
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