Votive food: The Doora family distributes "Iranian Ash" to the people of region

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In Iranian culture, the distribution of votive food with good intentions and the desire to perform a charitable act holds great importance. This tradition is particularly significant during special times when people distribute votive food among neighbors or the residents of a community. Today, the Dora family, embodying the spirit of cooperation, gathered together to cook ash*. *Ash is a traditional dish that holds a special place in Iranian culture, especially among the nomadic people of the Zagros region.
The nomadic people of Iran, known for their rich cultural heritage, deeply value the traditions passed down through generations. In nomadic life, the act of coming together as a family to prepare and distribute food reflects the strong bonds within the nomadic family. This practice is a clear example of how the culture of the nomads is intertwined with broader Iranian customs, blending the values of generosity and community spirit.
After cooking the *ash*, Naseroo and his family took it to the neighboring village and distributed it among the people. This act of sharing food is not only a testament to the culture of the nomads but also a demonstration of how nomadic families contribute to and uphold the broader Iranian cultural values of kindness and hospitality. The nomadic lifestyle, with its emphasis on community and cooperation, continues to enrich the fabric of Iranian culture.
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