S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Dead Air - Atmospheric Gameplay (Last Stand) 2

Описание к видео S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Dead Air - Atmospheric Gameplay (Last Stand) 2

Previous part:    • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Dead Air - Atmospheric...  


I woke up, again. This time, however, I can remember what happened to me last day. I must have slept a long time, seeing how it's the middle of the day outside. I quickly check my gear, turn on my headlamp, and head out.
I wander through the abandoned and deserted buildings of Rostok, checking for anomalies with my bolts from time to time. It's quiet here. In fact, it's so quiet, it's eerie. After a certain time I stumble upon the bar..., or at least that what's written at the metal placard outside. Pieces of bread and some bottled of water are still standing on the tables - this place must have been abandoned in a hurry...
As I slowly but steadily approach the gates to the waste dump, I can hear my Geiger crackling increase in volume. I can nearly taste the hazardous radiation, even though that wouldn't make any physical sense. The toxic aftertaste in my mouth gets stronger with every step I take. With me opening the rusty gate, I notice a moving figure on the ground a few dozen meters in front of me. I watch the mindless beast go around through my scope for a while, just to hide behind the gate to reload my shotgun a few seconds later.
The mutated being runs straight at me, having seemingly noticed the smell of a human. Just before it's about to lunge at me, I pull the trigger multiple times. The loud noise of a firearm halls through the open spaces of the waste dump. My intentions of sneaking through the waste without attracting too much attention from the "wildlife" now ruined, I rush to the nearest structure to hide myself in, but it's already too late. Rabid mutants are dashing for my position. Pulling the trigger yet again, I place two shells of lead into the first beast's head, but as I want to do the same to the second, I notice a "click" sound. With adrenaline kicking in, I pull out my pistol - but it's all the same. Only a few meters away now, the hungry beast jumps forwards and bites down on my calf. Throwing the pistol aside, I rapidly take multiple steps back while almost falling on my back and reach for the sledgehammer on my back, hitting and shattering the skull of the predator just in time. Losing a lot of blood, I back up to a corner of the wagon. With shaking hands and a heavy breath I search for something to treat my wounds with and pills to help stop the bloodflow - I wonder how I knew that making noise here would cause trouble...
With the night quickly settling in and the crickets starting to sing, I reluctantly decide to stay at the train hangar nearby. As I slowly approach the entrance of the hangar, carefully avoiding the electric anomalies at the entrance of it, I start hearing strange noises from the inside of the wide open building. It's quite dark, so I turn my headlamp on and proceed inside.

I panic. I instinctively duck my head down because of the incoming shells. After shooting the hound before me, I feel relief, but that relief doesn't last long. Out of the corner of my eye I just manage to get a glimpse of the fast abomination behind me, shooting two times in its general direction.

Yet, the shells don't reach it.

With its claws now deep inside my flesh and tentacles around my neck, my weapon falls down to the ground and my vision gets blurrier. Shortly after the only things I could perceive were the halling sounds of the building and a monstrous cry, getting quieter by the second. The last thing I see is the blue sky up above the ceiling.


I woke up. With sweat on my forehead and an uneven breath, I look around. It looks like I fell off the bed... bed?

I look around the small building. My head hurts like hell...

I open the door and step outside. Fog hinders my sight... and my mind.

I don't remember... All I can recall is searching for a place to stay the night...

I look outside the gate...

Where am I?


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