World Cup Taiwan 2021 Highlights 台灣國際友誼足球賽 精華回顧

Описание к видео World Cup Taiwan 2021 Highlights 台灣國際友誼足球賽 精華回顧

World Cup Taiwan 2021台灣國際友誼足球賽精華影片終於出爐啦!!!

今年的「台灣國際友誼足球賽 World cup Taiwan」,除了報名隊伍眾多、競爭激烈之外,還有一個最大的亮點,就是 #外國駐台使節共同組隊,在場上一起踢球、參與友誼賽!⚽️


一場足球賽,牽起不同國籍、族群、語言、文化的人們。希望在 2021 年底,我們與大家一起創造了很美好的回憶!


World Cup Taiwan 2021 | Highlights

The highlights of the World Cup Taiwan are finally out! It’s as if the matches just happened yesterday when I watched this video.

Something fascinating about the World Cup Taiwan, aside from 13 countries participating in the World Cup Taiwan 2021, was that for the first time, ambassadors and representatives in Taiwan made up a team and competed with the team MOFA. It was such a rare opportunity to see that.

Let us review the World Cup Taiwan and enjoy!


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