Rimworld - The 15 Days

Описание к видео Rimworld - The 15 Days

Many colonists of the Oynxian Order came to Fort Shado to escape their pasts. For years, the Order worked to make their escape a reality. Now, their hopes hinge on 15 days.
See below for more \/ \/

Edited from VODs off of my Twitch Channel, I thought it was only fitting to give the members of the Oynxian Order a proper sendoff, after successfully going up against Randy Random (commitment mode) on the hardest difficulty.

All-in-all, 13 colonists escaped, despite a few simple mistakes that were made along the way:   / 496_days_later_13_spacefaring_survivors_of...  

Truly, the 15 days are no joke. It was literally down the wire, as mechanoids were blowing Fort Shado wide open. It was really a moment that lent itself to Rimworld being a procedural storytelling game, as well as a colony management game.

2WEI - Kill The Crown:
   • 2WEI - Kill the Crown  

Thumbnail (went the extra mile on this one):

I acknowledge that I do not solely own any sourced material used in this video. Please feel free to inquire if need be.


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