Dog Hit By A Train Miraculously Survives, But Not Without Catastrophic Injuries... [STORY BELOW]

Описание к видео Dog Hit By A Train Miraculously Survives, But Not Without Catastrophic Injuries... [STORY BELOW]

It may be disturbing to look at, to ready his story, but this is the sad reality of many dogs in our city. More than 20 cases a day get reported, but we are only able to take what we can accommodate space and resource wise. We dread thinking what happens to the ones who we don’t have the funds and supplies for! Kuber is on the brink of death and needs your help to pull him out of critical condition.

The poor soul was found lying in a ditch, his legs bloody with agony. It is believed he was run over by a train, the fact he survived the incident a miracle in itself. We have already amputated Kuber’s front leg to save his life, and now he’s learning to be a 3 legged pup.

Sometimes we wonder what can keep us going when all we do is keep begging for funds to help our rescues like Kuber. This is not just our story but literally every rescues stories leaving no room for more rescues or eventually closing. We hope people will see the work that goes into saving and changing lives!


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