SCALP ( Clinical Anatomy )

Описание к видео SCALP ( Clinical Anatomy )

clinical anatomy of scalp
1: sebaceous cysts occurs due to abundance of sebaceous glands.

2: wounds of scalp bleed profusely because the vessels are prevented from retracting by the fibrous fascia. Bleeding can be arrested by applying pressure at the site of injury by a tight cotton bandage against the bone.

3: Because the pericranium is adherent to sutures, collections of fluid deep to the pericranium known as cephalhaematoma take the shape of particular bone.

4: The layer of loose areolar tissue is known as the dangerous area of the scalp because the emissary veins, which course here may transmit infection from the scalp to the cranial venous sinuses.

5: collection of blood in the layer of loose connective tissue causes generalised swelling of scalp. The blood may extend anteriorly into the root of the nose and into the eyelids ( as frontalis muscle has no bony origin) causing resulting in black eye.

6: Because of the spread of blood, compression of brain is not seen and so this layer is also called safety layer.


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