45 Fascinating Color Photos Capture Street Scenes of Chicago in the 1960s

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In the 1960s, white residents in several neighborhoods of Chicago left the city for the suburban areas – in many American cities, a process known as white flight – as Blacks continued to move beyond the Black Belt.

While home loan discriminatory redlining against blacks continued, the real estate industry practiced what became known as blockbusting, completely changing the racial composition of whole neighborhoods.

Structural changes in industry, such as globalization and job outsourcing, caused heavy job losses for lower-skilled workers. At its peak during the 1960s, some 250,000 workers were employed in the steel industry in Chicago.

In 1966, Martin Luther King Jr. and Albert Raby led the Chicago Freedom Movement, which culminated in agreements between Mayor Richard J. Daley and the movement leaders.

Take a look at these fascinating color photos from ZeusMeister to see what Chicago looked liked in 1967.


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