A King's Vision - Daniel The Prophet 2 - Triangelos

Описание к видео A King's Vision - Daniel The Prophet 2 - Triangelos

Daniel Chapter 2
God revealed the future to a pagan king. The king needed help to understand his dreams. He asked for help from his prophets, spiritualists, sorcerers, and Chaldeans. But they could not help the king. They even said that there is not a man on earth who could tell the king what he wanted to know.
But God has His dwelling in the tabernacle. And by His Spirit, He also dwelt in Daniel. But the kings men did not know this.
Hear what Daniel said, “The secret that the king has asked for, is not for wise men, spiritualists, prophets, or sorcerers to disclose to the king. But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets. He has told King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the last days”. Daniel 2:27, 28 God revealed the history to the king. Told him that one kingdom would follow after the other until Jesus who is a living stone would establish his kingdom.
We live in the “end time”, and it is important for us to experience that there is a God in heaven, who reveals secrets. In our days, much of what God has revealed is either questioned or scoffed. Much of Christianity today is flirting with the same sources of "wisdom" as Nebuchadnezzar did. Spiritual leaders, strange spirits, and sorcerers, or the “wise men” of the world! Why not gather for prayer to God, so that He can reveal by his spirit what He has inspired in His Word!
When we ask God to anoint us, give us His Spirit, to understand, God will open our minds to the Word of God so that we can understand it. Many Christians today do not read the books of Daniel and Revelation. Many people say you cannot understand those books!
This is not true.
There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets. Daniel is the only prophet that Jesus calls us to read and understand, because He wants to anoint us with His Spirit, enable us to understand, for Jesus obviously believes it is important!
Do not believe those who downplay the importance of reading and understanding Daniel's book. Do not be scared of animals and horns. Do not lean on the opinion of others! Seek God in prayer and ask Him for help to understand, “for there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, He has revealed to the king what is about to happen”, and He will reveal it to you too!


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