अतीन्द्रिय आनंद की अनुभूति | BK Usha Didi | Powerful Meditation Commentary

Описание к видео अतीन्द्रिय आनंद की अनुभूति | BK Usha Didi | Powerful Meditation Commentary

Brahma Kumari Usha is a Senior Raja Yoga Meditation teacher and a Management Trainer of the Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya based at the global headquarters in Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India.

With her innate qualities, capabilities and Supreme Fatherís blessings she has focused her strength and specialty into a meaningful channel. In fact, she is a practical example of ìApplied Spirituality.

In 1980 she dedicated herself totally to the Spiritual Service of mankind. Between 1980 and 1992, she was attached to Mumbai and Hyderabad centers. In 1985 – the United Nations International Year of the Youth, she participated in the ìBharat Unity Youth Marchî extended from Bombay to Delhi and foot marched through a multitude of villages, towns and cities spreading the wisdom of spirituality.

In the path of service she has played a key role in the implementation of Self Management Training Programmes as expounded by Brahma Kumari Self Management Systems.

B.K.Usha has been invited by many industrial groups of India to impart systematic Self Managing Leadership courses for high ranking executives and management staff, thus blending Spiritual dimension with Modern Management philosophy.

Few of them are: General Electric (Hong Kong), Thai Rayon Company (Thailand), Pan Edible Oils (Malaysia), DRDO, Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd., Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, IFFCO, KRIBHCO, Gujarat Milk Marketing Federation, AMUL, BSNL, Godrej, Tata Iron and Steel, IPCL, ONGC, Steel Authority of India, GAIL, ELB SCLIFF, NDDB., & HRD Foraís etc.

She has made thousands of presentations in various Colleges, Universities, Medical Associations, Social Organizations Management Associations and Corporate Sectors.

B.K.Usha ís eloquence and her simple and clear approach to spiritual attainments has led her to record lectures and commentaries on RajaYoga for audio-visual presentations. She is fluent in English, Hindi and Gujarati. She has participated in a number of Conferences and Seminars at National and International levels, emphasizing the importance of spiritual values.

She has done a thorough research on the great epics of India ñ Ramayana and Shrimad Bhagwad Gita and has created a unique presentation the first of its kind in the world. This presentation has been shown within India and abroad relating its spiritual significance and the practical application in the modern lifestyle. Which has attracted and made people realize its importance from a completely different perspective.

Her lectures were shown on Sony Channel and presently they are telecasted on Zee Jagran, Sanskar, Astha, Sadhana Channels and various city cables.

She has also published her book on Self Managing Leadership in English and Hindi.

Audio Visual Management Sessions specially designed and conducted by her, in Corporate Houses, national and multinational institutes and companies include.

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