Physical Education & Sports after 12th | Career options in Sports and Physical education

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#iquemohit #careerdevelopment #SportsAndPhysicalEducation

Nationally Renowned Career Counselor in Ahmedabad Mr. Mohit Mangal gives insight on Physical Education and Sports related study in India. In the video he talks about:

1. Who is the right candidate for taking up Courses related to Physical Education and Sports after 12th? The qualities required in the candidate who wishes to take up a Career in Sports after 12th.
2. What are the Degree Options available in Physical Education and Sports across Universities in India?
3. How one can enter into programs related to Sports and Physical Education in India and what are the Eligibility Criteria for Various courses related to sports in India?
4. What are the national level Entrance Exams related to Physical education and Sports related courses in India after 12th.
5. What different Professions one can opt for after finishing Education in Sports? Available Opportunities of Career in Sports after 12th.

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About Mr.MohitMangal

Mr.Mangal is one of the most popular, successful and well-known Motivational Speaker and Career Counselor in Ahmedabad who has delivered more than 1600 talks across India and helped more than 6 lakh students identify their right path forward till 31 st December 2019.

As a renowned Career Counselor in Ahmedabad, he along with his team continues to give Career Awareness Workshops and Self-Assessment tools to school & college students and guides more than 1,00,000 students every year.

He, along with his team of counselors, does individual Career Counseling for school children, college students and working professionals, who need help in identifying and fine tuning their Career Goals.

About Channel

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In this Channel Mr.MohitMangal posts videos addressing regular queries related to various Career optionsavailable in India after School.

His videos would answer questions related to Streams Available after 10th , methodology of Stream Selection after10th, Career Opportunities after 12th Science, Career Opportunities after 12th Commerce, Career Opportunities after12th Humanities or arts, Methodology of Career Selection after 12th , Methodology of Choosing Right Masters afterGraduation, Methodology of Choosing Right specialization in various degree programs available in India.With almost two decades of research background, Mr.Mangal addresses queries of School/College students,parents, teachers, educationists and working professionals etc. on Various education streams available in India includingAgricultural Sciences, Architecture and Planning, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business Management, Commerceand Finance, Computer Applications, Design and Fine arts, Economics,Education/Teacher Training, Engineering and Technology, Hotel Management, Law, Liberal Arts/Liberal Studies, Library andInformation Sciences, Mass Communication and Mass Media, Medicine and Surgery, Paramedical Sciences, PerformingArts, Pure Sciences, Rehabilitation Sciences, Sports and Physical Education, Veterinary Sciences and Vocational Arts related education opportunities in India.

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