MBA 101 Leadership, Situational Leadership Contingency Model

Описание к видео MBA 101 Leadership, Situational Leadership Contingency Model

In this video we are going to look at the one of the Contingency Theories of Leadership which is situational Leadership Model. There will be another video highlighting the Path-Goal Theory Model and the Fiedlers Contingency Model, please feel free to watch them, its segregated in a folder MBA 101: Leadership in this youtube channel.
Situational Leadership simply states that there is no one best leadership style for all sitautions. The leadership style that is best for a particular situation depends on the employees skill set and attitude.
The situational leadership has evolved over time and we are going to look at the model created by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard.
Thank you for watching this video, this was made for the MBA 101 course: Leadership, please feel free to check out other sections of this course.

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