Gallaudet Story in ASL by Scott Spethman

Описание к видео Gallaudet Story in ASL by Scott Spethman

Gallaudet story from my ASL Practicum class.

English Translation:
One day a hearing man named Gallaudet was walking along and saw a girl playing by herself. Gallaudet walked up behind her and began to speak, but she continued to play. Gallaudet tried again and the girl continued to play. Gallaudet tapped her on the shoulder and she quickly turned around. Gallaudet spoke to her again but the girl just shrugged. He then realized the girl was Deaf. Gallaudet wanted to teach the girl but here in America there are no schools for Deaf children.

Gallaudet heard they have a school for the Deaf over in England. Gallaudet boarded a boat and began his voyage. When he arrived he searched all over for the school and eventually found it. After entering and looking around he didn't like it there. The teacher there didn't sign and the students didn't sign either, the teacher would just talk to them. He didn't like it at all.

Gallaudet then heard there was a deaf school in France. Gallaudet boarded a boat and traveled down to France from England. When he arrived in France he found the school and went inside. He really liked this school. The teacher, named Clerc, was Deaf and signed. He was also a really good teacher. Gallaudet watched as Clerc taught his students sign little by little. Gallaudet was really liking this place.

Gallaudet met with Clerc and asked him to please come to America and teach. Clerc explained he loved it here in France. Gallaudet begged him explaining there was no school for Deaf children in America. Clerc finally agreed to come but would only stay for three years. Gallaudet told Clerc that was perfectly fine.

The two of them boarded a boat and began their way to America. Gallaudet taught Clerc to read and write English while Clerc taught Gallaudet to sign. When they arrived in America they established the first American school for the Deaf.

I am a hearing student studying interpreting so I am not yet certified. This story is a memorized piece from a DVD for a class, not my own.


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