Venezuelan Onda Nueva "De Repente" by Aldemaro Romero, played by Norman Moron

Описание к видео Venezuelan Onda Nueva "De Repente" by Aldemaro Romero, played by Norman Moron

Interpreted by Curaçao musicians, pianist Norman Moron, Rhazul Sebelon on the cuatro, Ramon Penzo on bass guitar, and Ernie Gregorius on percussion.

Although Venezuela was not part of the Netherlands Antilles, many compositions from the 19th and early 20th centuries drew inspiration and influence from Venezuelan and Cuban melodies, rhythms and harmonies. Back then, the islands and Venezuela had a unique bond. The Antillean people, "Antiano", would travel back and forth, and many Venezuelan musicians would also immigrate and settle on the islands, build communities and bring their cultural style with them.

Consequently, many Antillean music pieces have Spanish titles, and a music enthusiast can definitely tell which pieces have a European, Caribbean or Venezuelan swing. This song, De Repente ~ "Suddenly", as interpreted in this video, is a tribute to one of the most known composers of Venezuelan music, Aldemaro Romero.

Recording Source: Festival Di Piano First Concert in Curaçao | Saturday July 22, 2023

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