Cornhole Setup and Scoring

Описание к видео Cornhole Setup and Scoring

Learn how to set up the Cornhole playing area and keep score correctly.

For official rules go here:

One note - I get a lot of questions about knocking another player's bag(s) in the hole or off the board. Either player can knock either player's bag in the hole or off the board during a round. The easiest thing to remember is that nothing is scored and all bags are in play until the END of the round. Whatever is in the hole or on the board at the end of the round is scored for the team whose bag it is regardless of who threw it.

So if you knock your opponent's bag in - it counts as in for them. If you knock one of your own in - it counts as in for you. If you knock one of your opponent's bags off the board it is now off the board and they don't get a point. If you knock your own off - too bad. All that matters is what's on the board or in the hole at the END of the round.

I hope that clears up any confusion!


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