Stiff Neck Syndrome | torticollis | What you need to know

Описание к видео Stiff Neck Syndrome | torticollis | What you need to know

This episode focuses on torticollis in infants, a condition where tight neck muscles cause the head to tilt and turn to the opposite side. We discuss common causes, including cramped positioning in the womb and complications during delivery such as the use of forceps, which may lead to slight muscle damage.

A pediatric physiotherapist outlines the typical diagnosis process for torticollis, which is often identified at birth. However, parents might notice symptoms like reduced head movement or persistent head tilt and seek an assessment. Treatment involves targeted physiotherapy, including comprehensive assessments of birth history, hip, shoulder, and neck mobility, followed by specific stretches and positioning strategies to correct the alignment. For more severe cases, further diagnostic tests and treatments, including potential surgical interventions, are discussed. Tune in to understand how physiotherapy can significantly improve quality of life for infants with torticollis.


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