Tree stumps removal with a Kubota B2261 4WD to clear a pond (part 1)

Описание к видео Tree stumps removal with a Kubota B2261 4WD to clear a pond (part 1)

Tree stumps are removed to clear out an overgrown pond. This is done using a Kubota Compact Tractor with a home made implement for the front loader: The Rhino Root Ripper.

Tractor: Kubota B2261 4WD HST (26 hp)
Rhino Root Ripper Creation: see    • DIY Making a Root Ripper for the Fron...  
Rake Digger Creation: see    • DIY Rake Digger for the Kubota B2261 ...  
Risk of Front Loader Bending: see    • Prevent Front Loader Bending of your ...  

Video by: Outdoors in the Low Countries


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