Oasys Infobyte Internship - Data Science Task 1 | Iris Flower Dataset Analysis

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🌸 Oasys Infobyte Internship - Data Science Task 1🌸
Welcome to my first task submission for the Oasys Infobyte Data Science Internship! In this video, I dive into the **Iris Flower Dataset**, one of the most popular datasets in machine learning and data science.

🔍 Highlights of the Task:
✅ Overview of the Iris dataset and its attributes
✅ Data preprocessing and exploratory data analysis (EDA)
✅ Visualizing patterns and relationships between features
✅ Implementation of classification techniques to identify flower species
✅ Key insights and conclusions

💡 What is the Iris Dataset?
The Iris dataset contains data about three species of Iris flowers (*Iris-setosa*, *Iris-versicolor*, and *Iris-virginica*) and includes four features: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width. It's an ideal starting point for beginners in machine learning!

📊 Tools & Techniques Used:
Python programming
Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, and Seaborn
Classification algorithms: Logistic Regression, KNN, etc.

📈 Watch as I explore and analyze this dataset, showcasing my understanding of data science concepts!

👨‍💻 About the Internship:
This internship with Oasys Infobyte is an exciting opportunity to work on real-world data science tasks and sharpen my skills.

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#DataScience #IrisDataset #OasysInfobyte #Python #MachineLearning #DataAnalysis


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